Whisky Show Old & Rare in Glasgow – Neu in 2017!
Vor kurzem durfte ich alte Standard-Abfüllungen probieren und bin seitdem fasziniert. Leider sind solche Abfüllungen nicht ganz günstig, aber wenn es Euch auch so geht wie mir, könnte Euch eine neue Whiskymesse in Glasgow interessieren: Whisky Show – Old & Rare.
Die Whisky Show hat schon acht Mal in London stattgefunden, aber nun kommt ein neues Format mit neuem Standort dazu: Old & Rare in Glasgow vom 18.-19.02.2017.
In Kürze
- Wo: The Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow
- Wann: 18.-19.02.2017, je 11:30 – 18:30 Uhr
- Eintritt: Tagesticker 100.- GBP (enthält 50.- GBP Whisky Token, Tasting Glas und Zugang zu hunderten alter und rarer Whiskys)
- Ticketverkauf: whiskyshow.com
In der Pressemitteilung habe ich ein paar Whiskys gefunden, die vorgestellt werden sollen:
- 1984 Orkney, bottled in 1918
- Bowmore 1957, 38 year old
- Glenlivet Generations 1940, 70 year old
- Hannisville Rye Pre-Prohibiton, believed to be distilled in 1863
- Glenrothes 1932, 42 year old
- Glen Grant 10 year old, bottled 1950’s
Das klingt interessant und teuer. Wer also ein paar Tage Zeit hat und den bereit ist, Geld für alte Whiskys auszugeben, wird hier sicher eine interessante Veranstaltung finden.
Hier für Euch noch die Pressemitteilung (in englisch).
(Pressemitteilung, TWE)
Having enjoyed eight successful years in London, leading whisky retailer The Whisky Exchange is launching a brand new Whisky Show in Scotland for the Lirst time in February, dedicated to Old & Rare whiskies.
The show, at Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel on 18th and 19th February 2017, will welcome more than 400 visitors to taste and discover great whiskies produced in bygone eras. This will be a whisky show like no other.
Many of the whiskies on show will have been created using production techniques rarely seen in the modern day. The organisers have invited some of the world’s best whisky collectors, specialty whisky bars and independent bottlers to share some of the Iinest whiskies from the past.
The Whisky Show: Old & Rare is the brainchild of The Whisky Exchange, and whisky experts Angus MacRaild and Jonny McMillan. As collectors themselves, the team is passionate about old and rare whiskies and this event is a chance to share their passion with the world.
Show manager Andrew Milne is excited to be bringing The Whisky Show to Glasgow: “We’ve enjoyed great popularity with the London show where there is a great appetite for discovery. It’s always been our desire to run a show specialising in old and rare whisky and it feels like a natural step to bring something back to whisky’s homeland and share drams together in their country of birth. Our theme of Old & Rare is answering the need for something interesting and different and offering a chance to try whiskies that many of us will never be able to buy.”