
Fährfiasko zum Fèis Ìle 2024: Mangel an zusätzlichen Fährfahrten lässt Besucher im Stich

Islay droht dieses Jahr ein Fährfiasko! Die diesjährige Ausgabe des Fèis Ìle, auch bekannt als das Islay Festival, steht vor erheblichen Herausforderungen, da CalMac es versäumt hat, die üblichen zusätzlichen Fährverbindungen für das neuntägige Ereignis Ende Mai bereitzustellen. Das Festival, das zu den weltweit beliebtesten Whisky- und Musikfestivals zählt und regelmäßig mehr als £10 Millionen in die lokale Wirtschaft bringt, ist ernsthaft in Gefahr, wenn keine Lösung gefunden wird. Trotz intensiver Bemühungen seitens des Fèis Ìle-Komitees und der Unterstützung durch MSPs stehen zahlreiche Besucher ohne Fährmöglichkeiten da. Die Auswirkungen dieser Entwicklungen könnten weitreichende Folgen für die Wirtschaft der Insel und die Tourismusbranche in Schottland haben.

Die Situation generell

Die aktuelle Situation auf Islay stellt eine echte Herausforderung dar: CalMac wartet dringend auf die Einführung neuer Fähren, während gleichzeitig die Insel mit einem verstärkten Bedarf aufgrund neuer Destillerien konfrontiert ist. Das Problem liegt darin, dass die Bauarbeiten für diese Destillerien nur nacheinander durchgeführt werden können, da die vorhandenen Fährkapazitäten und verfügbaren Handwerker nicht ausreichen, um einen parallelen Bau zu ermöglichen. Diese Verzögerungen und Engpässe belasten nicht nur die Logistik der Bauprojekte, sondern haben auch Auswirkungen auf die Bewohner Islays, die mit den Folgen dieser Herausforderungen konfrontiert sind.

Das Fährfiasko zum Festival

Bis vor kurzem hatte CalMac, der einzige Fährbetreiber, den Sommerfahrplan für Islay noch nicht veröffentlicht. Als der Plan schließlich mit weiteren Verzögerungen herauskam, wurde deutlich, dass während des Festivals nicht mehr, sondern weniger Fähren zur Verfügung stehen werden. Dies trotz der Bemühungen des Fèis Ìle-Komitees, die Situation zu verbessern. Auch die zuständigen Minister konnten bisher nicht helfen.

Die Online-Buchung brachte dann technische Probleme mit sich. Es bestand weiterhin die Hoffnung, das weitere Fährkapazitäten zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Doch mittlerweile ist klar, dass die Fährkapazitäten weiterhin stark begrenzt bleiben. Obwohl die Destillerien ihre Kapazitäten freigemacht haben, reicht dies bei weitem nicht aus. Viele Gäste werden daher keine Chance haben, rechtzeitig nach Islay zu gelangen. Das Fèis Ìle-Komitee befürchtet sogar, dass zahlreiche Besucher ihre Reisen stornieren und Schottland meiden werden.

(Pressemitteilung, Fèis Ìle-Komitee)

Fèis Ìle Ferry Fiasco

Failure to provide additional sailings leaves Festival visitors high and dry

08.03.2024, The annual Fèis Ìle, or Islay Festival, has been left facing significant difficulties after CalMac has failed to provide the usual additional sailings for the 9 day long event at the end of May. Fèis Ìle, one of the world’s most popular whisky and music festivals regularly brings in upwards of £10 million pounds to the local economy, and is in serious jeopardy if a solution cannot be found.


Yesterday, it was confirmed that CalMac would not be providing the usual extra sailings provided to get the whisky-lovers and festival-goers over to join the party on Islay and Jura. Despite other island festivals in the Summer season having additional ferry support: Islay has been left stranded.

The Fèis Ìle Committee have been campaigning for many weeks to achieve the additional sailings which would allow all the visitors to get over to the island, however, despite many meetings and support from MSP’s, the Festival finds itself in a dire situation.


Festival Chair Florence Grey stated, “We have about 40% of our thousands of visitors who cannot get a sailing at all. The majority of our visitors who can get over, cannot bring their vehicles, which is in turn going to lead to a transport crisis on the island. Also, many people cannot get over for the start of the festival, which is a disaster for many of the Distillery open days.”

“Fèis Ìle is a critical time for all of the island’s businesses and the whisky tourism industry, as well as a significant time in the calendar for our cultural events. Fèis Ìle has been going since 1986, it’s vital that this is not disrupted by ferry issues.


Festival Treasurer, Catherine MacTaggart said, “There seems to be a lack of understanding at Government level of just how much revenue this festival creates, not only for Islay and Jura, but also across the whole of Scotland. 55 percent of our visitors come from overseas: Europe, USA, Asia and even Australia. This has a knock-on effect on the whole Scottish economy as if they can’t get over for the festival, they won’t travel to Scotland at all.

“In addition, many of the local businesses rely on the money they make at festival time to get them through the quieter winter months. This shocking level of service will have repercussions long after the festival is held.” The island’s accommodation providers are also facing a very difficult time as cancellations will follow this CalMac announcement but providers won’t be able to replace their bookings with no way of getting to the island. Many island businesses are already under significant pressure from the lack of sailings during the standard Summer timetable, with lack of capacity and critical sailings removed, even before the issues with the festival have arisen.


All of the island distillers have already agreed to move their freight requirements to avoid the festival wherever possible (Islay has no freight ferry) and free up some capacity, however, this is a drop in the ocean as to what is required.

Florence commented, “It’s great to see the island’s distillers and business working together for the sake of our visitors – we’re doing everything we can – we now need help to get everyone here who wants to be!”


The Committee understands that there is pressure across the CalMac network like never before, and that there will be new ferries coming, but that is little comfort to the festival- goers who have everything booked, but cannot get a ferry. We feel that it is incumbent on the Scottish Government as a whole to sort this out – this is not just a CalMac issue. If CalMac cannot step up to the plate to support our islands then the Scottish Government needs to step in and solve the issues our islands are facing.

We also find it inexcusable that the Tiree Music Festival and Eilean Dorcha Festivals both have had their additional sailings announced, but there is nothing for Islay, which brings in more to the local economy than both festivals combined, as well as so much to the wider Scottish economy.

By 2025, Islay will have two new ferries and be in a much better position, but if a solution is not found, the damage that will be caused in 2024 will be detrimental to Scotland’s reputation as a host, and will have a huge impact on our island businesses.

Ben Shakespeare, a Committee Member who has been campaigning on this issue, stated, “We’re getting very frustrated at the continued mention of the new ferries, as if this is something that helps us. The issues are with 2024, the issues are urgent, and the consequences of not resolving this will be hugely damaging to our island economies. We need a solution.”


Without extra ferry sailings, this island and festival is going to suffer widespread ramifications that will seriously affect the island’s economy. We call upon all partis to find a solution for the benefit of our visitors, for Island and Jura, and for the tourism industry across Scotland.


As a Committee, we would like to pay thanks to our Islay Ferry Committee for their tireless work on this issue, as well as MSP Jenni Minto.

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