Tweet Tasting: Bruichladdich #TENSTROIKA – die drei 10er
Vor Kurzem sind die drei neuen zehnjährigen von Bruichladdich in der zweiten Auflage erschienen. Aus diesem Anlass veranstaltete die Islay-Distillery am 01.12.2016 ein Twitter-Tasting. Ich war dabei…
Bereits im NdW46|16 habe ich die drei angekündigt:
- Bruichladdich, 10yo, 2nd Edition, 50%, ncf, nca, 18.000 Flaschen, 50.- GBP (ca. 59.- EUR)
- Port Charlotte, 10yo, 2nd Edition, 50%, 18.000 Flaschen , 55.- GBP (ca. 64.- EUR)
- Octomore, 10yo, 2nd Edition, 57.3%, 18.000 Flaschen, 149.- GBP (ca. 174.- EUR)
ncf = no chill-filtration (keine Kältefiltration), nca = no color added (ohne Zusatz von Zuckerkulör)
Auf der InterWhisky sind die drei als „Best Whisky International 2016“ vom Whisky Guide ausgezeichnet worden.
Nun haben mich drei Proben erreicht und ich darf beim Online-Event meine Meinung zum Besten geben. Aber erst mal die Informationen auf den Etiketten.
Die drei 10er – die Etiketten
Bruichladdich, destilliert: 26.07.2006, Fässer: Bourbon, Sherry, Französischer Wein
Port Charlotte, destilliert: 30.08.2006, Fässer: Bourbon, Sherry, Tempranillo, Französischer Wein
Octomore, destilliert: 21.12.2005, Fässer: Bourbon, Grenache Blanc
Tweet Tasting
Bruichladdich hat einige Proben versendet. Die Teilnehmer kamen, soweit ich diese zuordnen konnte, aus UK/Schottland, Deutschland, Dänemark, Frankreich, Niederlande und Österreich. Hier sind die Twitter Handles der aktiven Teilnehmer:
Klaus Doblmann @MaltKlaus, Ansgar Speller @ansgarspeller, Thomas Speller @thomas_speller, Sorren Krebs @ocdwhisky, Extract Coffee @extractcoffee, Steve Prentice | SWB @steveprentice, Teemu Strengell @tmu76, Mark @ Malt Review @MaltReview, Jon – scotchandscifi @dvdbloke, Maltman Mike @Maltman_Mike, Franck Debernardi @LaCaveDeCobalt, Peter Moser @MrSingleMalt, Ewald J. Stromer @EwaldStromer
Ewald Stromer ist der Ambassador von Bruichladdich und war auf dem Whiskyschiff in Zürich mit einer Gruppe von Teilnehmern dabei.
Auch bei diesem Tweet Tasting gab es sehr viele unterschiedliche Eindrücke, die ich Euch in Auszügen hier gerne wiedergebe. Die gesamten Tweets findet Ihr auf Twitter unter dem Hashtag #TENSTROIKA.
- red apples, honey, soft note of wood spice and salty chocolate with mango juice on the nose
- Very fresh, rather creamy, plenty of vanilla, pear drops, subtle oak influence, cereal notes, slight peach too!
- Lovely initial sweetness followed by a almonds/marzipan note, want to try with Xmas cake!
- Quite a closed nose on the Laddie Ten.2 at first, but a lot of fruit after a short while in the glass. Pears and apples mostly
- sweet and fruity. Not too much alcohol as expected. Very nice. Roasted almonds.
- getting sugar n spice.. candied orange, burnt toffee, cinder toffee and rich dark chocolate
- getting some ginger and almond notes now on the Laddie Ten nose together with red summer fruits
- A mixture of malt, sweet fruits and bassy oiliness. Creamy, slight whiffs of cask char. Hints of farmyard.
- Grapefruit acidity. Tannic.
- Head distiller Adam gets honey, citrus, tobacco and fudge
- whiff of smokiness in the dark, a rich fudge, cold milk and corn flakes.
- From the grapevine – Nose: butterscotch, Victoria sponge, red apples, honey, mango juice, almonds
- Lovely creamy notes on the palate
- honey, custard creams. Apples again. Barley & a pleasant grassiness. Green tea.
- Even more sweet fruit notes mixed with warm malt and chocolate notes
- Incredibly creamy, smooth texture, cereal notes dominating with the fresh fruits to follow towards the end. Pleasant!
- Here is the power I expected. Just to get buttery and fruity notes. Some Caramel. Cereal Notes.
- an explosion of flavours.malty with honey, fruit jam, toffee apples, Bakewell tart.gentle spices and that butterscotch
- a spicy palate. Ginger cream (if that is a thing), jalapeños, firm
- Now the fresh apples start to turn into baked ones. With hot caramel.
almonds, cream soda, wine gums.. - Palate with water: Opens up very well, malty notes, still very creamy, ripe apples & pears (stairs) here. Grand stuff
- get ginger and spice
- Finish is of a good length with a bit nutty bitterness, sweetness from dried fruits and honey creaminess
- with water I get more power on the nose. More fruits. Palate is softer. more fruits. Alcohol is coming back. Very nice.
Port Charlotte
- smoke infused fruit.. smouldering oak, burnt toffee, citrus and honey
- This nose…. love it! dried cranberry, black current jam and samphire that just hit the hot pan
- Peat with more butterscotch and the minty fresh nose of eucalyptus
- malty, sweet, smoky nose. That said, is it a little closed? I suspect oxygen or a drop of water will open it.
- getting a spice kick.. peppery with cinnamon and nutmeg.. caramel, cinder toffee all wrapped in the dying embers
- salty fudge, candied orange & lemon, equaliptus, grilled pineapple, mango, passion fruit, plums
- I am getting a distinct note of early spring rowan buds from this Port Charlotte #almondpaste #marzipan
- maltiness & peat merge. Lapsang souchong. Lemon juice. Beeswax. Digestive biscuits.
- Clotted cream. Crème brûlée.
- dirty earthy smoke, some tar, lots of maritime, some honeycomb, flavourful nose, mouthwatering.
- citrus, raisin, roasted apple, gentle smoke.
- Water enhances the vanilla toffee notes on this PC10. Red fruits are coming too. Dried craneberries. Fresh peat.
- wholemeal loaf, redcurrants, blackcurrants & blackberries. Heather honey. Strawberry jam. Lapsang souchong.
- menthol, toffee, ginger and still the peat. More menthol on the finish. Lovely.
- toffee, warm peat, gingerbread, and a hint of ripe peach?
- explosion of fruit on the PC palate with ginger, chocolate, maple syrup, marzipan and fudge..
- PC10 has a beautiful oily texture in the mouth. Quite warming. Easy to drink even at 50%.
- On the finish : Chili pepper & peat.
- peat smoke with burnt spices, toffee apples, lemon drizzle cake, candied oranges.. chocolate and pipe tobacco..
- Well say hello to peat…phwoar! Slight menthol?? Cinnamon stick too somehow! The Maltman likey!
- (added water) – gentle sweet smoke, salty streaks, honey, nuts, biscuit. Burnt hobnob. some chocolate, dry fruit. lovely
- Superb long length, the dry peat lingers superbly! A great dram. Well done Mr Hannett
enjoying the long creamy chocolate finish just a bit longer
- plum jam & blackcurrants. Floral. Hoppy, cereal. Tobacco, cigars. Fruity coffee. Cognac. Honey or golden syrup
- quite well mannered and not punchy at all despite the 57% 167ppm. Ash+smoke, yes, but rather spicy, no raw-alco-hit
- Love this peat. Nothing else right now. Just very much PEEEEEAAAAAT.
- Surprisingly subtle, high abv needs taken down to appreciate the iron peat fist! Pleasant mind you people
- how beautiful can a whisky smell…? Warm, sweet, complex and full notes on this Octomore….
- obvious peat smoke but no where near as punchy as being on a trawler at sea, damp oak,citrus peel, earthy
- people are often scared off a bit I noticed by PPM but it is a full sweet combination of flavour sets
- ash,smoke,apple,vanilla
- brown sugar, dark chocolate, herbs, lemon, vanilla, honey, fennel, cherries, red summer fruits… and much more..
- pig smothered with fig jam roasted in the fire pit. Bunches of heather thrown in for good measure.
- smoked weetabix with berries and cream
- Peaty caramel, candied orange peels. Kumquats.
- The smoke is more medicinal. Burnt toast & dark chocolate. The balance is superb.
- ash,smoke,salmiak,sichuan pepper,lemon,black cardamom,clove. Spicy sour smoke
- Hot peppers! And still a creamy mouth feel, fruity, banana peel, red apples, long, looong ashy finish. Love it.
- On the palate we have without water nice peat with citrus (Grapefruit), metallic notes and hazelnut bitter chocolate
- Thats odd..on the nose it needs water but not on the palate! Doesn’t seem as aggressive as the Piet!
- Notes of parsnip, ginger, creamy vanilla and loads of fruits with a lovely fire going in the room. What a finish!
- loads of cask sweetness, peppers, chili, pepper, light fruits coming through
- With water lovely smoked Assam tea appears with strong caramelized (Demerara sugar)
- orange zest and ripe pear
- Thick barley rich oils, lots of smoke, but more creaminess. Touch of herbal throats sweets. Licquorice.
- it’s all gentlemanly & finary. Coal embers, sweet fruits, rich malt & back to highland, slightly sweet peat.
Ein sehr angenehmes Online Tasting mit alten und neuen Freunden. Es scheint allerdings in Mode zu kommen, dass Spammer solche Hashtags nutzen, um ihre Botschaften loszuwerden. Die Zeiten ändern sich auch bei Twitter. In circa zwei Stunden sind wir gemeinsam die drei Proben durchgegangen und haben neben den Notes auch einige Informationen von Bruichladdich erhalten. Unter anderem wurden Bilder von vor zehn Jahren gezeigt als die drei Abfüllungen entstanden sind. Adam Hanett war zu der Zeit Mashman und Allan Logan Stillman.
Der Bruichladdich und der Port Charlotte waren für den Alkoholgehalt sehr viel „sanfter“ als erwartet. Beide sind sehr schöne „daily drams“. Der Octomore hatte aber erwartungsgemäß richtig viel Power und Rauch. Ich war sehr positiv überrascht, wie komplex der Octomore noch ist, denn meine letzte Erinnerung war „nur Rauch“. Die Meinung muss ich revidieren (zumindest für diese Abfüllung) und ihn mir in Ruhe noch mal mit sehr viel Zeit vornehmen.
Vielen Dank an Bruichladdich und an Diversa Spezialitäten!