
Gastbeitrag: Eröffnungsfeier der Ardnahoe Distillery auf Islay

Am 12.04.2019 wurde die neunte Destillerie auf Islay eröffnet. Rachel MacNeill war für uns vor Ort dabei. Hier findest Du ihre Eindrücke und Bilder der Neueröffnung der Destillerie von Hunter Laing.

Am Freitag gab es bei der Eröffnung viele bekannte Gesichter zu sehen. Unter den Gästen war auch Rachel MacNeill, die auf Islay eine Whiskyakademie (Islay Whisky Academy) betreibt.

Hier findet Ihr den Bericht (in englisch) und einige Fotos von Rachel als Gastbeitrag. Vielen Dank Rachel für Deine Eindrücke!

Mehr über den Eigentümer: UA im Profil: Hunter Laing

(Gastbeitrag / Rachel MacNeill)

Ardnahoe Distillery Opening

My elegant gold foil bordered invitation to the opening of Ardnhoe Distillery, requests arrival from12 o’clock onwards. 

Driving to Ardnahoe, the views of the Sound of Islay are lovely, but, as you reach the entrance and crest the hill you can see forever… On a clear, dust free day one can pick out Ben Nevis. The open vista soaring up the West coast of Scotland is good for the soul. This distillery has one of the best views on earth.

Stepping through the strong, rectangular glass and steel entrance to the distillery building, I am greeted by Lorraine, my friend and director of the company.  A glass of champagne put in my hand. 

I had wondered which alcohol would be served. A new distillery would not wish to serve liquid made elsewhere on Islay – even if it came from Ardnahoe parent company, Independent Bottler Hunter Laing’s stocks. Celebratory champagne offers an elegant solution. 

The reception/ shop area is large, with floor space to rival Bowmore village hall. Guests range around the flowing circular reception desk, chatting leisurely. I saw Anthony and Kathy Wills from Kilchoman Distillery, The Boss himself, Master Distiller Jim McEwan. Fraser Hughes, Production Manager of Ardnahoe checks everything is in order as he received Congratulations and well wishes from everyone. 

Listening to live traditional music, I make my way to the cafe bar to find Stewart Laing, the man at the heart of it all. When I offered my congratulations, Stewart Laing thanked me and all the Islay people who made this day possible for his family. Stewart has an appreciation for Islay and Islay people, and feels a long time connection to the island. He is not here to just trade on the Islay name. 

With an reserved, sincere speech Stewart Laing, hands over to Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, an Islay boy himself, to cut the red ribbon and officially open Ardnahoe Distillery

This was an historic day, and I feel very happy to be part of it. I don’t mind admitting I had a wee tear in my eye when the ribbon was cut.   

Guests from over the world are assembled here. The glitterati of the Scotch Whisky industry were at Ardnahoe enjoying the hospitality of the Laing family this day.  

Gary from LH Stainless – the Turn Key solutions company who designed and built Ardnahoe plant, said to me: In relation to whisky, there is no more important place to be on the planet, on Friday 12 April 2019, than in Islay, in Ardnahoe Distillery. 

I’m inclined to agree. 

Slàinté Mhath
Written by Rachel MacNeill (

Ardnahoe Eröffnung

Bilder von der Eröffnung am 12.04.2019 von Rachel MacNeill
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe
Eröffnung bei Ardnahoe