Faer Isles Distillery auf Faröer startet Whisky Produktion
Vor ziemlich genau zwei Jahren startete die Faer Isles Distillery eine zweite Crowdfunding Runde, aber nun hat die Whiskyproduktion gestartet und im ersten Jahr sollen bereits 600 Fässer gefüllt werden. Ein paar Impressionen und Hintergrundinfos gefällig? Dann hier entlang….
Im Überblick
- Die Färöer sind eine Gruppe von 18 Inseln mit einer autonomen Verwaltung, die zu Dänemark gehören
- Testproduktion seit 2019
- Faer Isles Distillery
- 23.000 qm Land; Adresse: Fjarðarvegur 3, FO-350 Vestmanna, Faroe Islands
- Whisky: 1 Tonne Malz pro Zyklus, 80.000 LPA (ca. 600 Barrels a 225 Liter), kann auf das 5-fache gesteigert werden
- Die Lagerung findet in für die Färöer Inseln typischen Art statt: in “opnahjallur” (drying houses)
- Gin: 600.000 Liter (43%) pro Jahr
- Die Destillerie wurde gebaut von LH Stainless (Speyside Copperworks)
- Mehr Informationen und Eindrücke sowie die Möglichkeit sich auf die Fassowner Warteliste setzen zu lassen: Webseite der Faer Isles Distillery
Mehr über die Faer Isles Distillery erfährst Du hier: Faer Isles Distillery geht in die zweite Crowdfunding-Runde
(Pressemitteilung, Faer Isles Distillery)
Distillery on Remote Islands starts Whisky Production
The small Faroe Islands are situated in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. In this unlikely place there is a distillery. It has spent the last 4 years designing, procuring, and installing a whisky brewhouse and stillhouse and has now gone into production.
The remoteness of this new destination on the global whisky map of course makes the distillery a curiosity. But it is the different maturation that has created the greatest interest in the industry. The stills from Speyside Copperworks are Scottish as is the malt being used, but the casks will mature in the age-old way used on the islands for food preservation and fermentation.
For centuries, lamb and fish have been hung out to dry in the traditional “opnahjallur” (drying houses), ensuring maximum exposure to the humid, salty, and windy weather. As 60-80% of the whisky flavour comes from maturation, this will create a very maritime style, unique to the whisky from the Faroe Islands.
The whisky will also be lightly peated, mirroring the historically extensive use of local peat for heating on the islands.
As has been done by several other whisky start-ups, the distillery will offer some of their first casks for sale via their website. The waiting list is already almost full, indicating the level of interest in this project.
The project is partly crowdfunded. Another small round of crowdfunding is planned in May.
While installing the dedicated whisky stills, Faer Isles has been producing gin, akvavit, and vodka on a separate still and won several prestigious awards for all products. These will be released on the European and Asian market during 2023.
The whisky production goal this first year is 600 barrels.