
700 Fässer von Lagg (Arran peated) werden verkauft

Heute erreichte mich die Nachricht von Arran. In der neuen Lagg Distillery werden Ende 2018 vermutlich die ersten Fässer gefüllt und 700 davon werden verkauft. Wer bei dieser einmaligen Gelegenheit dabei sein möchte, sollte jetzt aktiv werden.

Die Fakten im Überblick:

  • 700 Fässer
  • Bourbon Casks
  • heavily-peated (50ppm)
  • Output: ca. 280 Flaschen a 70cl mit 46%
  • Lagerzeit mindestens 10 Jahre
  • Dies werden für 10 Jahre die einzigen Fässer sein

Darüber hinaus:

  • Mitglied in der Lagg Cask Society
  • 1 Flasche aus Cask #1
  • Namensschild auf der „Wall of Fame“
  • Einladung zum „Lagg Cask Society Members Day“ vor der offiziellen Eröffnung im Frühling 2019
  • Eine kostenlose Übernachtung im historischen Lagg Hotel
  • Ein 12-Monats Arran golf pass,
  • Kostenlose Destillerietouren
  • 10% Rabatt auf alle Einkäufe im Visitor Centre für 10 Jahre

Abgefüllt und gelabeled wird das Fass in Schottland (damit es auch Scotch Whisky genannt werden darf). Dann werden Steuern und Zoll fällig. Und nun zur schlechten Nachricht: der Preis ist 6.000.- GBP*. Trotz des umfangreichen Pakets kein Schnäppchen. Die Fässer werden trotzdem schnell weg sein. Hier könnt Ihr Euch informieren und das Fass vormerken bzw. kaufen:

(Pressemitteilung, Arran)

A dram for the decade

Isle of Arran Distillery makes the very first casks to be filled at new Lagg site available

The award-winning whisky producer Isle of Arran Distillers Ltd have announced an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be part of Single Malt history on the Isle of Arran. With the construction of the whisky-makers second site on the south of the island at Lagg well underway, master distiller James MacTaggart is releasing for purchase 700 casks from the first production to be filled at the new distillery.

These bourbon casks will contain approximately 280* 70cl bottles-worth of a new, heavily-peated (50ppm) Single Malt that will be the style of whisky produced at the Lagg Distillery.

Each of casks, priced at £6,000, will remain at the distillery for a minimum of ten years of maturation under the careful eye of the Lagg Distillery team. The casks owners will then have the opportunity to bottle the spirit, complete with a limited-edition Lagg Cask society label, or pay an annual fee to continue the maturation process until the desired age is attained**. It is expected that the casks will be laid down in late 2018. No further casks will be made available for sale to the public during the first ten years of production at Lagg.

Every cask owner will also become a member of the exclusive Lagg Cask Society. Membership guarantees a bottle from the very first cask to be filled at Lagg which is reserved exclusively for the Society. In addition each member will have their name displayed on the Lagg ‘Wall of Fame’ and receive an invite to the Lagg Cask Society Members Day for a first-look of the distillery and visitor centre before its official opening in spring 2019.

Additional benefits include a free stay at the historic Lagg Hotel, a 12 month Arran golf pass, complimentary tours of Lagg and 10% off all purchases in the visitor centre for 10 years.

James MacTaggart said: “We have incredibly exciting plans for the Lagg Distillery and the Lagg Cask Society offers people the chance to be part of the journey from the very beginning. To own one of the first casks from a Distillery is a rare opportunity indeed and with my years of experience in the industry I firmly believe the Lagg Single Malt will mature into something truly magical”.

Euan Mitchell, managing director of the Isle of Arran Distillery, added: “We are proud to be bringing whisky production back to the south end of Arran. The area was a hotbed of distilling, both legal and illicit, during the early nineteenth century and the Arran ‘waters’ were in great demand on the mainland. The Lagg Cask Society is the next chapter of the story of malt whisky on Arran. Their casks will be the first to be filled on the south of the island in over 170 years – a continuation of a long and proud heritage of whisky making on Arran. In releasing these casks, we are inviting people to join the Arran family and lay down an exclusive Lagg dram that they can call their own for a fee in line with prices currently being paid for individual bottles of rare Single Malt. Bottles from the Lagg Cask Society barrels will provide unique opportunities for gifts and investment, the ideal present to lay down for future generations, as well as the simple enjoyment of sampling the finest of spirits”.

Casks will be available directly from the distillery and online from

The new distillery site and visitor centre at Lagg is expected to open in 2019. Total visitor numbers to both distillery sites are expected to exceed 200,000 by 2020 once the new visitor centre in Lagg has been opened with an estimated combined turnover of over £2million.

*Every year after the initial ten that the cask remains at the distillery, there will be a small annual storage and insurance fee (currently £40 per year) as the whisky continues to mature. The cost of fees and bottling after the standard ten year maturation period at present is in the region of £6,000 – though taxes, customs and the market could cause this to vary.